GST Changes(otherthan Rate ) done at 23rd Council meeting | ADCA

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GST Changes

GST Changes(otherthan Rate ) done at 23rd Council meeting

3 Dec,2017


Apart from changes in GST rates, following are few changes effected on the recommendation of council at 23rd meeting. Following is summary of changes and relevant notification which is enclosed herewith. These changes are effect from November 15, 2017.


1. Exemption from GST on Advances against supply of goods- Notification No 66/2017- Central Tax


All taxpayers are exempted from tax payment of Tax on advance received in case of supply of GOODS. Please note that exemption is only on advance for supply of goods not Services. On Advance against service GST continues to be paid. Please note that Works Contract is a Service under GST.


2. Mandatory Registration not required for supply of service through E Commerce platform.Notification No 65/2017- Central Tax


Persons making supply of SERVICE  through E-Commerce operator who’s turnover does not exceed Rs. 20 Lacs (Rs.10 Lacs in specified state) need not required to register under GST. (Prior to this amendment, E-commerce Operator was required compulsory registration.) Please note that exemption applies only for providing of services not to selling of goods. Every person selling goods on e commerce platform is required to be registered irrespective of turnvoer.


3. GST -3B- Late fee reduced - Notification No 64/2017- Central Tax


Late fees payable is reduced from Rs. 200/- to Rs. 50  from October on wards, Provided further where the total amount of CGST or SGST payable is nil, late fees will Rs.20 Per Day from October onwards

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